Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Fastest Weight Loss Just 3 Days

    How to Lose Weight Fast 4 Simple Steps : 

                                        These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most. If you didn’t know already, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.

When insulin goes down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores and the body starts burning fats instead of carbs.

Protein Sources:
·         Meat –  Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, bacon, etc.
·         Fish and Seafood – Salmon, trout, shrimps, lobsters, etc.
·         Eggs , Omega  enriched or pastured eggs are best.


Low-Carb Vegetables:
·         Cauliflower
·         Spinach
·         Brussels Sprouts
·         Cabbage
·         Swiss Chard
·         Lettuce
·         Cucumber
·         Celery

 Fat Sources:
·         Olive oil
·         Coconut oil
·         Avocado oil
·         Butter


A . Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. These are the most fattening things you can put into your body, and avoiding them can help you lose weight ..
B . Drink water a half hour before meals. One study showed that drinking water a half hour before meals increased weight loss by 45% over 2 months..,

C . Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods. Base most of your diet on whole foods. They are healthier, more filling and much less likely to cause overeating.

D . Eat your food slowly. Fast eaters gain more weight over time. Eating makes you feel more full and boosts weightloss.
E . Get a good night’s sleep, every night.
F . Drink coffee or tea.


·         Blood Sugar tends to go way down on low, carb diets,
·         Triglycerides tend to go down Small, dense LDL (the bad) Cholesterol goes down..
·         HDL (the good) cholesterol goes up .
·         Blood pressure..,

Thank You..,

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